Rock Solid Blues Bassist
The 4-week system of ‘Simulated Jam Sessions’ that will unleash a torrent of authentic blues lines, show you how to play them with a rock solid groove, and finally hold your own with more experienced musicians

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    Split pay (6x $69.00)6x $69.00
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    One-time payment ($349.00)$349.00

Want 53 MORE Simulated Jam Sessions?

One-time offer - only $49
Can you imagine how much and how fast you'd improve if you jammed with experienced musicians every single day? Use the 53 extra Simulated Jam Sessions to further build your blues 'bag-of-tricks', strengthen your blues feel, and build the confidence to handle any situation that could be thrown at you during a blues jam. 

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“Prior to taking this class I would be a little bored and not really enjoy playing bass when my band played blues tunes. That's because I was playing the same repetitious bass lines which was the only thing I knew. Now, I see how I can use combinations of the tools we learned to create different bass lines that add variety and interest. Not only is my contribution to the performance better but I am enjoying playing the blues much more.” David M.

Dave M.
Rock Solid Blues Bassist Graduate

“This morning I taped myself trying to play with three of the [Simulated Jam Sessions] and one of them I was actually coming out with just like really cool little diagonal walking patterns...that are nothing like I've ever played before…It’s like the most interesting bass line I’ve ever played - that’s for sure.

Joel S. 
Rock Solid Blues Bassist Graduate

“The class has really helped me understand how critical it is for me to define the groove and really "take charge" of it or "own it"...Since taking the course, I have been doing this better, and the feedback from my bandmates has been very good

Joshua C. 
Rock Solid Blues Bassist Graduate
  • Total payment
  • 1xRock Solid Blues Bassist: Master$0

All prices in USD

I can't wait to see you in the course where you'll learn how to:

Fill your ‘bag of tricks’ to the brim with every authentic blues bass pattern worth knowing

Be an competent contributor to the music (instead of playing the same old blues bass lines you always play)

Go to virtually any blues jam and hold your own with even the most experienced of blues musicians

I was invited to a jam session in the retirement community where I live. There are some very talented musicians here…They told me, “This is a standard 12 bar blues in A and we’ll probably do a 1-6-2-5 turnaround. Well based upon what I learned in the class…it was like I knew the song!...I felt like I was in there, I was in the groove, it was GOOD - I enjoyed it. I wasn’t sweating! Made my day!
Dave T.
Rock Solid Blues Bassist Graduate

“I just seem to go ‘Oh yeah - I DO know this…” instead of just playing the standard licks, I’ll throw in a walk every now and then and make it a little bit interesting…That’s what I mean about being more comfortable - I can just do that now"
Barrie W. 
Rock Solid Blues Bassist Graduate

“It was really fun. Other classes were great, but for some reason, this class was kind of like…BOOM! You can really use it and say “OK, maybe I CAN get to the point where I can go to a blues jam and actually not embarrass myself.”
Veronica A.
Rock Solid Blues Bassist Graduate
